Sunday, 18 November 2012

wind-up talk..ish

been a while since I posted here. Im currently working on so much and acting in short currently right now im downloading the new version of ygopro so I can use some abyss dweller up in my deck!!!AHHH so and yugioh....

I have constructed a budget agent deck in real life. It actually won a good amount of laugh...It beat 3/4 dark world decks and 1 dino rabbit deck...and it only uses the 3 lost sanctuary structure decks...CRAZY!

My main focus is on wind-ups though! It was the deck I started to pay online at the start of the format. It was the deck I started to work on before the new format came into place.I've tried to play it like everyone else and I just can't. It doesn't work well with me to play things like Thunder King and what not. I look over to the ocg and I try out some of their stuff and it doesn't work for me as well. It feels too bare bones. So I went back to the build that I had created at the start of the format. That build ended up playing things like Wind-Up Soldier. My reason for playing that at the time was because I found the hand loop to be useless. It was level 4 so I could still potentially use it in the otk. That and a shark in my hand could potentially lead to a rank 4 or 5 and of course I could just summon it and use it's effect to boost it's attack to get over Thunder Kings that everyone was hyping up. Over time I found it to be insufficient. Majority of the time I found myself wanting it to be another card whenever I drew it. Just any other card but that card. Later on someone suggested to me that I should try out Wind-Up Warrior. Over time I grew accustomed to it. It still payed a part in the otk. That plus shark in my hand would lead to a rank 4 or rank 5 still. I liked it's ability to alter the level. I liked how it was able to alter any Wind-Up monster. So you could go Wind-Up Rat effect and get warrior and then use warriors effect to raise rat to level 4. That then leads you to a rank 4. As opposed to Wind-Up Rat,get Soldier and...just sit there unless you have Shark in hand or something else established on the field. I also enjoyed how it gets under bottomless which almost every deck out there is playing(with some few exceptions). So now going back to my build now, I have decided to keep those in. In my build as well I am playing things like My Body As a Shield. I've had many fun times with that card in the past and most recently when i threw it into my Dino Rabbit deck online. It's very standard of a build still with a lot of preference cards.

I'll be throwing up my build soon with explanations in a video.

The current record for this is:

Single Duel:54-4
Mermail Atlanteans:1-0
Chaos Dragons:1-0
Skull Servant:1-0
Lightsworn Fortune Ladies:1-0
Haze Beast:1-0
Junk Quasar:1-1(get 1st turned synchro summoned and finally getting to go on a hand of double rabbit,double magician,warrior,mirror force that got later
Empty Jar:1-0
Dark Lord Agents:1-0
Gusto Dragunities:1-0
Gladiator Beast:2-0
Weird...scrub like...synchron deck...:1-0
Crystal Beast:1-0
Six Samurai:1-2(going second to gateway+ shi en
Heroes:1-0(i walked into a super poly...i was sad...then i he/she is sad...MMM DELICIOUS)
Chain Burn:1-0
Darklord Turbo:1-0
Stardust Assault mode..i think:1-0
Dark World:1-0
Six Samurais:1-0
Weird Gadget.dek:1-0
Ugly Monarch Deck:1-0
Mill Deck:2-0
five other decks that I can't remember:5-0
Hieratics:0-1(I opened up sangan and snowman eater and no traps for 2 turns and ater my 2nd turn he/she otk'd me with red-eyes,wattail,zenmaioh, and this one hieratic i had was a set sangan and set snowman eater that got demolished...)

Match Duels:1-0
I try to do match duels on ygopro but its not happening...people flee after game 1...EVEN IF THEY WIN!So I may go on Dueling Network later or wait until I hit a locals or something. Just too much nonsense!

Match Duel 1:Wind-Ups VS Heroes
Verdict:2-0 Win

Also keeping track of YCS Tacoma. If there is any movement in the Wind-Up scene in top 32 then I want to know about it.

welll stay tuned...i guess