Tuesday, 30 October 2012


been a while again since I've posted here...been so busy. I HAVE THOUGH BEEN WORKING ON YUGIOH STUFF DON'T WORRY! This November I will be making the deck I am to main for this format. So exciting. I will also be playing it at the December 1st regional over here. I can't really show what deck it is yet but after the regional I will do a deck profile. I think the only things in the deck that will cost me a pretty penny are 3 cardcar D's and arcanite magicians. My friend said he would lend me his two that he has if he decides to play wind-ups or something else that day. Which in that case I would only require 1.

But the deck is funny and totally unexpected.

Like my friend wanted to see this top secret deck in action so we hit up Dueling Network and I ended up doing 2 duels.
The 1st duel was up against Heroes and the 2nd duel was up against Dark World.
I ended up beating both.
When it happened in each duel my friend was going off

"Why haven't I heard of this deck before!" and "BROKEN"

Honestly whole time so far this format I was contemplating playing chaos dragons,dino rabbit,agents,wind-ups...etc. but in the end I decided on a very very non-mainstream deck. It's even not known to most players playing already defined non-mainstream decks. I am happy that for the most part I will get a surprise factor which may help me greatly.

Anyways the hero duel ended with 4100-0(only because I willingly took 2 hits) and the dark world duel ended at 6000-0

I look forward to showcasing this deck to you all very soon...hopefully it doesn't become popular amongst the world...sigh..lol already people I now have to leave!

But if you're going to the December 1st regional at Toronto be prepared! Also keep playing hard! GOODBYE ALL

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Geargia Machina Deck Version 0.1

So i took it upon myself to make Geargia Machina's...so tempted nwo to construct the deck via real life....So saying that...I decided to throw up my build online for everyone. It's still in its early stages so keep that in mind.

Anyways the current record for this is:

Single Duels:11-1
Exodia(Jarel Winstons stall and draw):0-1
Light beat:1-0
Chaos Dragons:1-0
Random Fusion Deck:1-0
Grandosil Psychics:1-0
Reversal Quiz:1-0
Dark World:1-0
Earthbound Immorals

Match Duels:0-0
(no one wants to play match duels...some people do but not alland now that tdoane removed the mandatory ranked match duels everyone is hopping back on singles...what can you do huh?)

So anyways 1 loss so far but I garuntee if it was a match I would have won. Everyone knows how annyoingly awesome that variant of exodia is so clearly what can geargia machinas do game 1? anyways here is the deck!!!

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

will be hitting up Toronto's regional in december! NOW I MUST TEST

WOW been a long while since I posted here. Schools been hectic also I am preparing for regionals.

I've been testing extensively online.

I can't really reveal what I am playing right now but I will be playing ti for regionals.

So far I have beaten a generic burn deck
I 2-0 a Prophecy deck and I 2-0 Chaos agents and I tried to duel this morning after waking up late...sigh..

Anyways my only duel in the morning was between a Dark World player.

The duel went Game 1 I beat him then Game 2 he beat me after he opened up f irst turn skill drain...I went ....UGHHHHHHHHHH FLIPS 4 TABLES!!JUST 4...ugh... then we were going into game 3 but it said something about a tdoane.dll not responding thent he game froze...then i log back in and it says I have the win from that...so...not complaining...ALRIGHT THATS MY LITTLE UPDATE


ALSO SOMEONE HELP EM DEVELOP A SICK FIRESTAR DECK! tried them out before on dueling network. I went 4-2 with them.I found myself lost without the rpessence of a firestar monster + possibly horn of the phantom beast or just something good to back it up.

If anyone has anything interesting for it...message up!

also i did only name a couple of duels but i have been testing extensively. At one point I thought I was going to bring final coutndown to the regional but nope...then chain burn..then nope...then dino rabbit...then nope etc... I've been at it

Monday, 1 October 2012

officially decided on dino rabbit

At school again...gosh....too much anyways quick post. I will be playing Dino Rabbit for this format.If Atlanteans and mermails get introduced to our tcg world and prove to be amazingly broken...then I may make the switch....but I am playing dino rabbit. I'm making the deck from scratch though sadly....so I need to go fetch me some staples....and rabbit and dolkkas and laggias...and stuff..whatever..sigh...oh well everything is basically reprinted... I'M GOING EXTREMELY BUDGET FOR THIS!!!

Leviair is getting reprinted
Dolkka got reprinted

And in that whole yugi's world thing they have a crap load of staples in there including common solemnw arning(according to the spoiler list)....F-YEAH!!

so until i fully assemble this I will just be testing online...

Online in terms of single duels... I am 3-0

I have not done match duels but I plan to when I make it home.

I was playing against alines(i didnt even know of anyone who plays that.i was totally unprepared even when iw ent for things like laggia..didnt know what shit did...)

He sacked me with bls and all he needed to do was straight up attack me...but he didnt and i later came back witha  top deck of a rabbit and got out maestroke and flipped it down and attacked it with my 2600 gorz token and attacked for game with maestroke...


anyways thats all i remember from this morning....thats allllll for now!!! Rabbits!!yay... no one top with them!  shit is getting reprinted,value be going down...etc.... and if i am still playing this by the end of the format and want to play it for the next format as well...then...I KINDA DONT WANT STUFF IN IT TO GET TOUCHED... i haven't made a deck in forever and I don't want someone to crumble my dreams....

alright more info later!

bye everyone!!

ALSO QUESTION FOR YOU ALL: SHOULD ONE BE PLAYING THAT GUAIBA'S?!! up against heroes and dark world they are meh so iunno...give me your thoughts!