Wednesday, 17 October 2012

will be hitting up Toronto's regional in december! NOW I MUST TEST

WOW been a long while since I posted here. Schools been hectic also I am preparing for regionals.

I've been testing extensively online.

I can't really reveal what I am playing right now but I will be playing ti for regionals.

So far I have beaten a generic burn deck
I 2-0 a Prophecy deck and I 2-0 Chaos agents and I tried to duel this morning after waking up late...sigh..

Anyways my only duel in the morning was between a Dark World player.

The duel went Game 1 I beat him then Game 2 he beat me after he opened up f irst turn skill drain...I went ....UGHHHHHHHHHH FLIPS 4 TABLES!!JUST 4...ugh... then we were going into game 3 but it said something about a tdoane.dll not responding thent he game froze...then i log back in and it says I have the win from complaining...ALRIGHT THATS MY LITTLE UPDATE


ALSO SOMEONE HELP EM DEVELOP A SICK FIRESTAR DECK! tried them out before on dueling network. I went 4-2 with them.I found myself lost without the rpessence of a firestar monster + possibly horn of the phantom beast or just something good to back it up.

If anyone has anything interesting for it...message up!

also i did only name a couple of duels but i have been testing extensively. At one point I thought I was going to bring final coutndown to the regional but nope...then chain burn..then nope...then dino rabbit...then nope etc... I've been at it

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