Friday, 27 September 2013

More Inzektor Matches!

Can't get enough of this deck... I wish heavy storm was back though....

The deck is performing well and causing rage quits all around. At this point it's not really the deck as it is just me playing smart with the knowledge of my opponents deck as well as mine. Also it helps if my opponent doesn't know what he's doing...which I get sometimes...


I think we're on match 5 or 6? anyways

Match:Inzektors VS Lightworn
Game 1:He lays the best he can,after I flip over my trap he gives up and leaves cause he's going to get it by a centipede as well as a dragonfly... as well as a call of the haunted I had previously set.
Game 2:No game 2 cause he quit.
Game 3: No game 3 cause he quit.

Match:Inzektors VS Batteryman
Game 1: I don't know what I'm up against so I take it easy on my first turn. On his 2nd turn he flips over a batteryman micro cell or something and special summons a batteryman... and in my mind "I'm going to get otk'd... where is that inferno reckless summon?" then he summons cardcar D after special summoning........and you can't use cardcar D if you special he quits....
Game 2:No game 2 cause he quit
Game 3: No game 3 cause he quit

so the fun continues....

1 comment:

  1. Same here: i otk this blue-eye deck with this field: Leviair, zenmaines and shark fortress. The turn before i wipe hes field of 2x Azure-eyes Silver dragon and 2x blue eyes with a Torrential tribute. He quits... no 2nd nor 3rd game happened.
