Monday, 16 July 2012


MORE MORE MORE MORE!!!! Scrap Update!!!!!

The more I play this deck and tweak it the moreI find cards that work against me to a great extent. For example compulsory evacuation device. The big monsters I'm able to bring out are only in the form of xyz or synchro. A compulsory evacuation device just bounces back whatever I brought out which in turn makes me waste 2 cards.and so much more other cards.

This is the first time in a really long time I've really had to think about most of my moves.Especially against top tier deck's or deck's that just have pushed me against the ropes.I had to pull off some prety creative stuff just to make through maybe a turn or two or win.

I think the toughest duels I've been put up against so far has been dark world and gladiator beast.
Dark World because they can simply snap upon utilizing discard outlets,gladiator beast because the one that I faced off against played an imense backrow and it was really back and forh back and forth.

Scraps can shine very much though so I look forward to continuing to play this deck.

SO update on my most recent duel up against Photon's on ygo pro.I went 2-1 against this individual. Gaining my 4th match win.

So now my record looks like:

Dueling network match:

Ygo Pro Match:
Dark World:1-0
Gladiator Beast:1-0

Match 4:Photon
Verdict:2-1 Win
Game 1:Scrap Dragon is the reason I ended up winning. The abilitiy tha I had to bring about 2 on the field was too much for him.
Game 2:Compulsory hurts so very much... I had to deal with alexandrite dragons which were nothing to my fiendish chains.My warning got judgmented...that sucks and I ended up getting beat down by a alexandrite dragon + that photon dragon thing.
Game 3:AND THE COMPULSORY JUST KEEP ON COMING. I had to face 2 of them here... one bounced my stardust,another bounced a scrap dragon.Also fought torrential etc....ugh.....For a prety long time I got beat down by an alexandrite dragon,dropping me down to 2000 Points. I capatalized late game.He had no more pesky backrow,I still had scrap chimera's in hand that were ready to go,coth,etc...
So I ended up just beating down via Scrap Dragon. Then he dark holed me.I brought back scrap beast in def mode.He summoned d.d. warrior lady and I activated fiendish chain. He has 1 card lef tin hand and only the lady on field,so he ends.I draw.I summon Scrap Chimera and get another beast from grave,make a scrap dragon,pop the fiendish and pop the warrior lady. Turned my beast to attack mode and attacked with both for game.

I'm tired....I might not duel anymore for's

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