STILL playing scraps,this time i'm on ygo pro.SO unfortunatly I am epicly lazy to take screens because they don't have their own way of doing the screenshot unlike dueling network. The plus side though is the system is automated.That being said,the system knows what you can and cannot do,rulings etc...
NO MORE EXPLAINING. everything happens the way it's supposed to <3
I played single duels to begin with.I beat 2 dragunity decks and a deck that I cannot recall currently.1 of the dragunity decks were an assault mode type.Which honestly could have possibly owned me..but going 1st and drawing into fiendish chain x2,effect veiler,solemn warning in the first 2 turns...helped... :)
My only loss in a single duel was to dark worlds.Simply because my main deck plays cards tha are completely useless to them majority if not all the time.After that I figured this wasn't even good testing for the deck. So I decided to start doing full match's.I only played 1 so far but I went 2-1.
So in terms of a full match I'm 1-0
I'll give you a run down of what happened.
Match 1:Darkworld(the same guy I lost to via single duel >.>)
Verdict:2-1 win
Game 1: Like I stated above,my main deck consists of cards that are far from good against dark worlds.I could've possibly won but I had nothing to pop his new facedown with my scrap dragon.because it turned out that face down card was a mirror force and he was at 2200 life points and i got mirror forced,got back scrap beast,it got bottomlessed.and then I got beat down by grapha+ snoww.
Game 2:Sided properly and managed to win simply because of Scrap Dragon and 1st turn shadow-imprisoning mirror.
Game 3:I drew into the nuts to stop everything he had. He went 1st turn set monster and set 2 backrow.right off the bat,easy read of a morphing jar.I set my backrow and summoned my monser and passed. Next turn he attempted to snap.I ended up using solemn warning,book of moon,mystical space typhoon...etc....Next turn I mind controlled one of his monsters and brought out maestroke. I simply beat him down with maestroke alone.He was down to top decking.I was in the lead with massive control.Then all of a sudden he said he had to go and called gg and surrendered.
so that's my time with scraps thus far. I'l continue more later!
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