Monday, 16 July 2012

I picked up some scraps but now I'm tired....

My last scrap update for the day and maybe for time to come. I'm just way to exhausted to duel. Best 2/3 games is just time consuming,energy consuming and I cannot sit on this chair infront of my laptop for much longer.

Just finished another match.So one more recap!!!

Dueling Network Matches:

Ygo Pro Matches:
Dark World:1-0
Gladiator Beast:1-0
Six Samurai:1-0


I've been playing tha card in majority of deck's I make since 2010. Even at 2010 I heard people telling me not to play it,now the card recently exceeded people's expectations but I still didnt see a lot being mained but now...OH WOOH NOW JEEEZ.When I decide to play a deck thats so all about synchro's/xyz's in terms of big monsters,everyone has to bust out some compulsory............

Anyways I still manage to work my way around "stupid" cards some how....maybe I'm getting lucky but I don't care ahaha.

Here's a brief run through of my latest duel and how it went:

Match 5:Six Samurai
Verdict:1-0 after I finished siding I wait for about 10 minutes to see the guy just leave
Game 1:Very depressing to see a shi en on the field backed up by other cards as well. How I managed to come ou a winner,no clue.I was in a position where if he left 1 thing on the field,I would've had a Scrap Dragon the following turn but since he removed it I ended up with simply just a utopia which was good but not great. The problem I experienced later on was enishi +compulsory. I worked around the compulsory by end phase mystical space typhoon the compuls then chaining fiendish chain to shi en.The enishi just killed my utopia. That's all there was to it. The following turn I established a scrap dragon and took out a shi en + enishi that turn. After that,I ended up getting dark holed and I beat down with a beast till I won.

Siding for game 2:I sided what I needed to.What I had sided was just based on what I had in my side and past experiences. I finished my siding and then...waited 10 watch my opponent leave.......F-YEAH!!!

SO IM TIRED IM OFF next post may be a video maybe including deck profile who knows BYE PEOPLES

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