Friday, 29 June 2012

It's so dark,I can't find the lightswitch!

Whats going on ladies and gentleman continuing toplay on dueling network. In termsof how real life playing will be,I'm starting up again new format.So expect to see some locals videos etc...maybe some regional video starting next format.Of course whaever the banlist looks like will dictate what I decide to play also maybe the first couple of weeks seeing how deck's are will decide what I play.If anything happens mid way into the format may switch decks but knowing me,I'll just push on with what deck I've built and try my to innovate it or edit it slightly to keep playing it.

But anyways for the time being dueling network. On my super secret sexy account I played darklord agents and wind-up's. But On my main account I've been playing dark world.

This post is strictly about my dark world games.

I decided to play dark world because honestly if built correctly the deck can snap tremendously easy. Grapha's still a nasty boss monster.Their field card is super productive etc.. I love the deck. Yes cards out there that people probably main or side does hurt the deckbut considering its strength it's something else.

Anyways I played 4 matches with dark world. I went 4-0

Match 1:Chaos Dragon/Gallis

Game1:He had Gallis Otk already in his hand so annoying,I was hoping to get up into a card destruction but nooo.In the end I was just overwhelmed by the chaos monsters.The gallis otk didnt do anything expect that one time when gallis hit the field and i took 2000 because he sent a damn red-eyes.He ended up winning game 1.

Game 2:I was so pumped to side and go for that game 2.As we were siding,this player just ended up quiting.and I took the match... :S....a win i didn tdeserve but the person was still online just they quit the duel for whatever reason....

Match 2:Random Deck
I don't really remember much about this match It was early in the day before I went to take a nap.All I know is that I thats all that maters though! lol

Match 3:Chaos Dragons

Game 1:Honestly without the amount of discard outlets that I had,no way I could've won this.Also drawing skill drain and a monster reborn for his blakc luster soldier helped too....just saying...:D So I took game 1.

Game 2:was hesitant going into this.There was something else I wanted to side into but mychoice to take out for them was going to be taking out the skill drains. I decided though to leave the skill drains in.So as the duel progressed I ended up winning simply because of the skill Just beat down with grapha and my opponent even wrote "and skill drain ftw". So I ended up taking Game 2.

Match 4:Exodia

Game 1:....the minute I saw no extra deck and upstart goblins and one day of peace etc... I was my mind... "FUCK YOU"But playing against it realized...oh wait its a bad exodia deck...that runs defense draw and compulsory and spirit reapers....yay....<3 So I ended up beating him game 1.

Game 2:we went into siding and he just quit ahaha.

Sooooo I'll be sure to do a video post for deck profile on my dark world's as is next post.

BUT FOR NOW!!! here are some pictures....:

This is up against the guy playing a deck I don't remember what so ever:

This was the chaos dragon match....2-0 BABYYYYYY


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