So honestly today I FELT LIKE BEING A PRICK! so thats what i did. I played final countdown and just left after winning game 1. Yes I am a firm believer in playing a full game in order to really beat someone but honestly I wanted to make my opponent feel mad about playing me,mad about losing then mad that this person doesnt even get the chance to redeem his/her-self. Now being a prick comes with its amazing perks. For example you probably ruined that persons day. Because it might actually throw them off psychologically SOOO SAYING THAT!!!!i'm so glad to have been apart of that persons day.
I did have a side ready though so I wasnt too worried. The worst thing he could've done to me because he's playing chaos dragons possible threats may be mst's end phasing game 2 and/or royal decree's but I was set for the most part. I side mst's I side heavy,etc... I side some cards people haven't even thought about playing in decades because they came out in packs long ago when I was in gr.6 and I'm done highschool alreayd so tha was a long while back. So I was prepared for a game 2 but its much more fun to anger. My goal in the game isn't to make other people happy or give them a good time. It's to win and sometimes be a dick. haters can hate but whatever thats how I play.
Heres a picture from that duel:
He threw me off on my counting a little bit because he started to count for me. I was like just sitting here thinking...why doe she count my card when I'm doing it already. and he counted wrong which threw my counting off but in the end got back on track and ended up winning still but ugh never count my countdown!this aint no new years. This isn't a group counting thing.
also one of the weird things I'm siding for example I side 2 dancing fairy for a certain match up,try to guess which one ;) but heavily comes in handy!
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