Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Just saw a guy over extend without protection for the following turn. His opponent just dark hole'd him and he lost everything. Couldn't recover from it and he dned up losing. Unless you can afford to or you have game I never want to see people over extend.Granted sometimes when you do over extend if you're lucky your opponent wont be able to push back but even then it's too up in the air.At that point to even be remotely sure about something like that,to me it would depend on opponents hand and field,possibly graveyard;but,for example if I were to over extend while he has no cards in hand and no or i just destroyed his field then possibly I can afford to go for the kill. By then most likely I would've figured out what he's playing,threat of top decks etc... so I could possibly go for the kill

But when I see a guy just over extending ona  field full ofmonsters who ended up getting fader'd then dark hole and he didnt have game he did like 3400 in damage.i just cant even begin to accept that.

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