Wednesday, 6 June 2012

So I took it upon myself to create a final countdown deck.Before you hate on me please note there are significant advantages to playing these type of deck's.Many reasons,the 1 main reason i like about playing these decks though are that they give you a some what psychological advantage at times. Because this is classified as trolling etc... the deck will anger your opponent.Potentially causing there thinking to be thrown off which could actually work in your favor making the win that much easier. I don't know,theres just so much reasons.

Since that is my #1 reason I took it upon myself to make this deck as annoying and trolly as humanly possible.
I want people to get angry and to have a difficult time.

So basically as the deck stands it's final countdown with a side deck of self-destruct button.

These are some cards that didnt make the cut:

These cards didnt make the cut simply because they were simply too slow. In a format of heavy,xyz's,triple mst,smashing,dark hole,inzektor popping whatever,soul taker etc..I just simply deemed them unusable.

anyways the deck as it stands is this:

Monsters (10)

x3 Battle Fader
x3 CardCar D
x1 Morphing Jar
x3 Swift Scarecrow

x1 Dark Hole
x3 Final Countdown
x3 Gold Sarc
x3 One day Of Peace
x3 Pot Of Duality
x3 Upstart Goblin

x2 Frozen Soul
x3 Hope for escape
x3 Threatening Roar
x3 Thunder Of Ruler
x3 Waboku

Side Deck(15)
x1 Heavy Storm
x2 Mystical Space Typhoon
x3 Gift Card
x3 Reckless Greed
x3 Self Destruct Button
x1 Dark Bribe
x1 Solemn Judgment
x1 Wall Of Revealing Light

Extra Deck(15)
x3 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
and randoms..

so Let's break down the deck

For monsters

 Battle Fader-Instant Stall if anything. The card does have its own weaknesses such as solemn warning but besides that and a few other cards 1 of them possiblybeing used against you,the rest being very unlikely;the card is good.

CardCar D- i think this card is amazing. The deck doesnt do a whole lot fo summoning or setting as is so this guys really. Nice acts as draw power to get whatever.Only thing that sucks is potentially veiler and several other cards. You veiler it we wont tribute it anymore and next turn if it does survive we cant even tribute it still because it wasnt normal summoned so the card is dead etc... but really good stuff,draw sinto your stall,final countdown etc..

Swift Scarecrow-The best.nuff said

Morphing jar-Can use it to take 1hit and potential draw power.s

as for the spells

dark hole-sometimes the field can gets warmed by too much things and put you in a bind and dark hole can just fix that.

final countdown-OBVIOUSLY

gold sarc-good card yes you do have to wait until your 2nd sp after activation but it helps get what you need. Early game thats final countdown usually and late game usually it's one day of peace. Really good stuff.

One day Of Peace-Protection+draw power GOOOOOD

Upstart Goblin-Draw Power +boosts your opponents life points to create the gap to use frozen soul or potentially hope for escape.really good.

Pot of Duality-There is no reason you shouldn't be running 3.


Frozen Soul-I only run 2. I wanted to play a 3rd but no room. Its pretty easy to get off. You activate final countdown,you can activate it. You take enough damage,you can activate it. You upstart goblin enough,you can activate it. +I heard this card stacks with thunder of ruler etc.. so makes it better.

Hope for escape-draw power + it works even more amazingly as you can splash it into the self-destruct button portion of the deck.

threatening roar-OBVIOUS

Thunder Of Ruler-OBVIOUS


As for the side deck. It just side sinto an even trolly-er deck which gave more purpose to things like upstart goblin and hope for escape etc.. so all and all really good.

and the etxra deck doesnt matter just at least include chimeratech seeing as thats the only thing you could probably go for if you're lucky.

anyways I only dueled once with the deck in unrated and this is how it went,my opponent kept complaining."I hate you" blah blah blah i really didnt care even if he wa slaughing while syaing it I jsut wanted the duel to end and me be the winner and then leave. but here's a picture:

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