Tuesday, 22 May 2012

creating malefics....
so frustrating... YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW MUCH I WANT TO PLAY MAJORITY OF MALEFICS. but you cant... its just too terrible...

The ones I can easily get down to are cyber end and malefic stardust.malefic stardust instant 2500 beater,and protects the field and cyber end instant huge beater at a whomping 4000k. the other malefics though are so lack luster....

1 of the reasons why i really prefer those 2 malefics are because unlike the other ones,you have to remove their counterparts from the extra deck. Cardslike malefic blue-eyes white dragon,as good as that may sound,3000k beater. it is irritating to play. Like other malefics,it must remove its counterpart from the deck. Which y'know is fine. BUT WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DRAW THE COUNTERPARTS. now i though about playing some cards to throw them back in or playing malefic stardust+malefic blue-eyes and play trade-in's,that gives trade-in a crap load of targets. BUT ugh...its just frustrating. and its tuner....the malefic tuner...ugh...i'll get back to work now..i'll update as i continue.

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