Took my hieratic deck back to rated. If you see me dueling what you think are noobish or completely noob people it sbecause im impatient,usually im hosting 4 times before i get someone to click me.also sometimes the people who you think are most noob or low rating so they must be noob,are actually really good or can at least put up a fight. so dont count them out.
I was up against some genex water deck thing. I dont know...i think my friend played this deck a long time ago. I never really cared about the deck. SO i never onc elooked into it or what it's actually called. I had 1st turn. I didnt feel like doing anything with what i had. I had convocation,tefnuit,su,forbidden lance,trag,and a eset.
so I just passed. He summoned genex undine and dumped super anicent deepseaking coelacanth and added genex controller(i believe thats the vanilla tuner) to hand. he didnt attack. He just ended up passing.SO my turn I draw Black luster soldier. and I uickly start doing everything. I special summon tefnuit. tribute it with eset. bring out watttaildragon. tribute eset now with su. bring out luster dragon #2.start overlaying for my atum etc.. get out my red eyes,special summon with him. bring out another atum. bring out another red eyes. I kinda detatched the wrong vanilla so I brought back luster dragon #2 with 2nd red eyes eff. then I overlayed both red eyes for gustaph max. I used gustaph max eff to burn him for 2000. so now he's at 6000. then I overlayed gaia dragon ontop of my atums.and if i wanted to. I could still summon bls from removing the eset in grave and the red eyes in grave. just to make 1 gigantic push.
But after I overlayed for gaia dragon's he quit the duel sadly....
And for those that care about this players profile:
he has a ratio of 2 and a win percentage of 66% so not bad.
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