Friday, 25 May 2012

Playing my Evol deck still. I'm really loving the deck.To be honest if it wasn't for evo-force,westlo,and evo-diversity,I wouldn't touch the deck. It's increasingly fun. I've only lost once but I'm so far 12-1.

The 1 loss was still to tg stun who summoned photon sabre tiger and set 5......jeez....

ANYWAYS....this time around I dueled gladiator beast. This man has my respect for playing gladiator beast. They're not that great this format. Only thing I like about them that makes them a considerable deck is chariot.There are just so much better alternatives to play than gladiator beast's. But he played them and kudos to him. BUT i opened up  with evo-diversity,double mst,evo-force. I started by using double mst. I hit solemn and a chariot. I used diversity to get najasho. I summoned najasho and activated evo-force.Brought out cerato then diplo. You must understand if you bring out diplo first,it will miss the timing.Popped his last backrow. He chained the waboku. I overlayed for laggia and set e-con. Next turn He tried to go for gyzarus. I negated with laggia eff. and from there I just wrecked with laggia and vulcano. Then top decked a cerato. Overlayed cerato on vulcano making a dolkka. I then activated my set a turn earlier compulsory evactuion device on his only card on the field. Then I attacked with both for game.

good game all things considered. hope to duel him in the future as well.



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