Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Trying something different. Bringing you all a deck that I played for the very 1st time last week. I played it for about 2 days on dueling network and went 30-7.that includes duels/matches in unrated. The deck I bring you all is evol's. I wanted to play the deck since it's announcement to be released but i shy'd away from it. Then it topped that one ycs and thatmade memore excited about the deck but once again i shy'd away once again.Then finally after solong I finally created it.

KEEP IN MIND THIS BUILD IS ONLY A REALLY EARLY VERSION OF IT. call it version 0.1. It was my first stab at it and it did it's thing. There is vast room for improvement thatI see but overall it's nice and actually pretty standard.

without further delay here you go:

side deck is still in progress. also the book of moon in the side is whatever im trying to fit it in the main. It's a really nice defense card and it helps reuse westlo.

I didn't want to play the deck with  darwino and those other evol's people play. I stuck with this and its dedication to generally rank 4's.

evo-force +najasho is the best thing ever created.

but here's the deck list just incase you can't see that

Monsters (15)
x2 effect veiler
x3 evolsaur cerato
x2 evolsaur diplo
x2 evolsaur vulcano
x3 evoltile najasho
x3 evoltile westlo

x1 dark hole
x2 enemy controller(amazing card won me games,can change opponents battle position to defend or change in orderto kill your opponents monsters and then you can use it to tribute and take control which works well with najasho)
x3 evo-diversity
x3 evo-force
x2 forbidden lance
x1 heavy storm
x1 monster reborn
x2 mystical space typhoon
x1 pot of avarice

x2 bottomless
x2 compulsory evactuation device (really good card. try to play ti in as much deck's as I can. The most useless use ofit is compulsing amonster your opponent can easilyresummon mp2 or next turn and it didn't really solve the problem. the best use is taking out synchros/xyz's etc...ie. zenmaines)

x2 fiendish chain

x1 solemn judgment
x2 solemn warning

Extra deck(15)
x1 catastor
x1 armory arm
x1 mist wurm
x2 dolkka
x2 laggia
x1 leviair
x1 maestroke
x1 leviathan
x1 acid golem
x1 utopia
x1 utopia ray
x1 zenmaines
x1 zenmaister

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