Sunday, 27 May 2012

Woke up this fine morning aftera late party,decided I wanted to duel. Brought my dino rabbits back into rated. I only played 1 duel.Honestly I should have lost.This person thay my luck has brought tome,was playing chaos dragons.I opened up badly,he ended up opening with a heavy storm and beating down with his red-eyes.At 1 point I set 1,summoned kabazauls and attacked his eclipse wyvern,because 1)lower his monster count on field,2)he doesnt have dark monsters in grave for the time being so it didnt matter,yes he could use red-eyes' effect to bring it back orbring another monster ou,but the card i set is bottomlessso I should be okay. But all things considered. I HAD NOTHING.if I could've brought a laggia,I might have been fine. If he didn't efect veiler my tour guide,Imight have been okay. Anyways when his eclipse died,he viewed his deck and banished another red-eyes.after that he didnt stop viewing his deck. in mymind I'm just like "c'mon....disconnect....c'mon....." Lol and then eventually during that,he quit.

He probably did disconnect but i searched his name really fast and he was still online.don't know if he quit on purpose or if he actually just disconnected then reconnected really fast.

either way,I  got extremely lucky.

Anyways here are some pictures:

and for everyone,this is his/her profile:

I am this persons 222nd loss.

This person also has the ratio of 1.2 and a win percentage of about 55%....also this person is french. Just a fact i found out viewing his/her profile...

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