so I still didn't take a break sigh...though i think i've reached a new accompishment so I think i shall take a break. Last duel of the day wil be with my friend if he comes on. If not I'm on a break for 1-2 days.
SO I was still playing dino rabits. I won't be playing it anymore. 1-2 days that I'll be relaxing I'll be thinking of new decks orpossibly refine evol's or represent gishki's. Haven't decided yet. Anyways my duel this time was up against chaos dragons..surprise surprise....
so far with duels I haven't recorded and duels I have recorded with my dino rabits,about 8-17 of them were chaos dragons. About 5-9 were matches and the rest were single duels. This also was a single duel. I just didn't want to go for game 2 im tired. also this is my excuse to finally get out of those house and pick up some drinks so maybe taking a break now is a good thing. Honestly he was killing me for a good chunk of game 1. I didn't draw 1 rabbit. My only monsters was from tour guide overlays and vanillas I top decked. thats it.
I torrentialed at the correct time,making the dark armed in his hand completely useless because I filled up his grave with the end I summoned tour guide to get tour guide and overlayed for leviathan ,used the effect and attacked directly,dropping him down to 2100. I figured at that point i dont have protection.I don't have other summoning that,attacking and hoping for the best was my only shot. at that point he had 2 cards in hand none on field.1 was dark armed. He started his turn he drew and admitted defeat.
and thats that.In about 1-2 days when I duel again I wouldn't mind dueling him again but I won't be playing meta.I'll be down anytime for a rematch or a completion of a match.
so the screenshot thing on the site is messed up again and i dont feel like print screeningand putting it on paint and blah blah blah so i only have 1 picture:
I can't even take a picture of my profile...oh well...
at this point
my ranking is:515
my rating and exp is:1407/307
the rnak changes dramatically all the time if i dont continue to duel and even when I do duel so sometimes my record will be the same but my ranking changes thats because people ahead of me drop or people elow me surpass don't follow ranking so much its bogus.
so my win percentage at this point is: 77.1 YA INCREASE BY .1.....
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